I am writing to share my results with the techniques that Master Hector teaches us and shares in the anatomy sessions.
I am treating my eyesight with the PH protocol and the way of healing that you teach us, I also have to say that I did cellular healing.
Some time ago, years ago, I felt discomfort on the back left side of my head, I saw it related to the chakra of the temple and I thought it was something from the brain and the limbic because I took an extension lengthwise and cleaned and did not achieve improvement or if it improved then it would come back, a point above the middle of the eyebrow and in the central point below the eye circle also bothered me.
I told my optometrist about these discomforts and he told me that it seemed to be the "trigeminal nerve".
So I have been treating it with an anatomical atlas and I was surprised that it has a branching of three branches, one goes to the ear, another to the eye and another to the jaw, so I would say that it is also related to the minor chakras of the temple, jaws and eye.
I am surprised and grateful because the discomfort has disappeared and when I press on these points they no longer bother, also my temple chakra, which could not improve the channel, also improved considerably.