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Live Offerings

You may find your purchased courses in “MY DASHBOARD” and all of the recorded lectures at this web address :

Healing Prayers

This study group is for those who are searching for deeper insights on the topic of Esoteric Healing with the use of prayer to assist others through Radiatory Healing. Readings and study of the book, Esoteric Healing by Alice A. Bailey will be explored.

Recordings of this session will be available for 21 days following the live session.

You may find the recording in your “dashboard” at the web address :

Suggested minimum contribution : €10 euros

Mass Divine Healing

This very special offering is for those who are seeking help and support for their personal health and well-being. Master Hector will guide a very thorough divine healing session, which usually lasts 90-120 minutes.

These sessions are open to all, and are on a contribution basis. It’s a minimum of 10€ to join, but you may contribute as you wish.

Recording available for 21 days following the Live session.

Suggested minimum contribution : €10 euros

Self Healing Group with with Pranic Psychotherapy

*Participants must have completed GMCKS course, Pranic Psychology to join!

This is a very special offering for those who are seeking to enhance their self healing skills.

Master Hector will focus on Pranic Psychotherapy. 

Insights and the subtleties of the “art of healing” will be practiced.

Live translations in Spanish, Italian, French, Greek and Portuguese.

Recordings will be available for 21 days following the live session. You may find the recordings in your account “dashboard”  at this web address :

Please read the guidelines from Master Hector for attending this session.

Guidelines from Master Hector Self Healing with Anatomy and Mass Divine Healing.pdf

Suggested minimum contribution : €10 euros


Spiritual Study Programs

The Spiritual Studies Programs are a complete set of videos which comprise an entire program under a specific theme. They include many hours of lectures, which you can work through at your own pace.

You may register for whatever program you wish, at whatever point is good for you.



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Esoteric Psychology, Vol. 1 - Spiritual Study Group

This Spiritual Study Group with Master Hector will explore the Book, Esoteric Psychology, Vol. 1, by Alice A. Bailey.

LIVE ZOOM sessions will typically occur weekly for approximately 2 hours. These sessions will be recorded and available following the live session for an indefinite period of time.

This course is open to all, however, previous knowledge of Master Hector's other Spiritual Study Groups are recommended.

This course will have translations in Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and Greek.

If you need further assistance, please email :

CONTRIBUTION : €500 - (monthly payment options available)

Initiation, Human and Solar

This program is an intensive course, based on the book “Initiation, Human and Solar” by Alice A. Bailey

This course has 46, 2 hour sessions. (recordings)

The recordings are available to you for an indefinite period of time - with translations in : Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Greek.

If you need further assistance, contact :

CONTRIBUTION : €300 (payment plans available)

Spiritual Study Group | Cosmic Fire

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

This program includes discussion and practices on the teachings from the book “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire” by Alice Bailey. It introduces an esoteric perspective on the evolution of the solar system; planetary schemes and chains; planetary logos; the hierarchy of spiritual beings; the creation of the human soul, and more. This course has 96 lessons.

CONTRIBUTION : €960 (payment plans available)

Spiritual Study Programs | White Magic

A Treatise on White Magic

This program includes discussions and practices on the teachings from the book, “A Treatise on White Magic” by Alice Bailey. It includes influences from Master Hector’s studies with his Teachers and his personal experiments.

CONTRIBUTION: €320 for 32 videos (payment plans available)

Spiritual Study Programs | Human System

The Human System

This program introduces you to the spiritual anatomy of a human being. We study the different subtle bodies and the human soul from an esoteric perspective.

CONTRIBUTION: €175 for 12 videos

(Subtitles in Spanish)

Spiritual Study Programs | Planetary System

The Planetary System

This program introduces you to the study of the different kingdoms and the hierarchy of Spiritual Teachers and Higher Beings. It includes the study of the chains and the schemes of evolution, drawing on theosophical literature and the teachings of Holy Master DK.

CONTRIBUTION: €175 for 12 videos

(Subtitles in Spanish)

Spiritual Study Programs | Labours Hercules

The Labours of Hercules

This program introduces you the twelve labors of Hercules from an inner or esoteric perspective. It highlights the soul’s journey through the twelve zodiac signs and the important inner lessons to be gained for spiritual growth.

CONTRIBUTION: €175 for 13 videos


Special Events

These are previous, important live sessions that Master Hector gave. They have been recorded and made available for you to watch at your own convenience.

Special Events | Radiatory Healing Technique

Radiatory Healing Technique

In these special lectures, Master Hector explains the technique of radiatory healing from the book “Esoteric Healing” by Alice A. Bailey. This is the explanation behind the practice we are using during the Healing Prayers live offering.

Contribute as desired starting at €10

Special Events | Esoteric Perspective on Disease

An Esoteric Perspective on Disease

1 Video

This was a special lecture Master Hector offered in response to many questions from students regarding the purpose of dis-ease. He looks deeply at disease from an esoteric perspective, and offers various insights and practices.

Contribute as desired starting at €25

(Subtitles in French)

Special Events | Esoteric Healing

Esoteric Healing: An In Depth Study

2 videos

Join Master Hector for a 6 hour lecture on the topic of Esoteric Healing. He looks deeply at various perspectives and teachings regarding the practice of inner and subtle healing.

Contribute as desired starting at €60

Special Events | Yoga Practice

A Yoga Practice

1 Video

After many students requested, Master Hector guides a beginner’s yoga practice from his home. Open to all.


Special Events |  Spiritual Teachings

On Death and Dying

4 Videos

A 2.5 hour lecture about the spiritual teachings around death and dying originally given in Atlanta, GA USA. Master Hector offers many important teachings around the art of death, how to prepare for death, and what happens after the physical body dies. A wonderful lecture.


Special Events |  Special Lecture

On Glamour

3 Videos

A special lecture series by Master Hector on glamour, the various glamours that we may have and how to dissipate them.