
My whole life I dealt with neck issues and during the meditation, the energy was so powerful that it became very uncomfortable - pain and heaviness at the occipital region of my neck and cervical spine. I almost stopped meditating b/c I thought the energy may have been too much for me but then I heard a voice that told me to let go.

This happened when we were in master's energy field. The color was beautiful rose gold. I saw master's image and he placed his hand on my head and said no more violence - repeated a few times. With that I saw a possible past life - head decapitated.

Then Master placed his hands on my cervical spine and throat. Only love from now Master kept repeating. As this was happening, I felt the pain and pressure release from my head, neck and shoulder. It was intense. 24 hours later I have no pain and the range of motion in my neck has greatly improved.

I am forever grateful and feel extremely blessed. Thank you for the teachings.

Deborah Quibell