Writing to thank you. These sessions have been changing in many ways how I see myself, my life, my work, and my spiritual practices.
I have a toddler to whom I always read books. She can recognize and point to many images in the books but is yet unable to grasp the story behind the images and several layers of what she sees. I feel as if before these sessions I was like a toddler who looked at spirituality like my little girl looks at books: thinking that I had a deep understanding of it all although I only recognized the images I wasn´t even able to name. Now many levels of understanding and experience have opened. I have also gained a humility and understanding of how much I still don´t know.
One teaching that has really impacted my life are the teachings about oneness. I now appreciate, enjoy, and work much more harmoniously with others.
Another practice that has really changed is the way I perceive character building and character flaws. A deeper understanding is helping to transform what once was an overpowering guilt that kept me from practicing into a compassionate objective patience.
In summary these sessions have tremendously increased the amount of love in my life: my understanding of what love is, my expression of love, how I receive and give love.
My deep sincere gratitude.