-Full Moon of Gemini -
The Festival of the Christ and the Hierarchy
The Festival of Humanity
The World Invocation Day
June 3 - 5, 2020
The Full Moon of Gemini is the 3rd most powerful Full Moon of the year. An auspicious time to harness and align ourselves with these dynamic forces.
Prior to the peak of the full moon on June 5th at 9:12PM Rome, Italy time zone, Master Hector will provide insight into these energies.
On June 3rd and 4th, at 8:45pm Rome, Italy Time Zone, Master Hector is offering informative lectures on :
The Full Moon of Gemini: The Festival of the Christ and the Hierarchy, The Festival of Humanity, The World Invocation Day
Topics: The Founding of the Hierarchy, The Three Departments of the Hierarchy, The Lodge of Masters, The Probationary Path, Discipleship, Initiations, The Great Invocation
Reference books: Initiation Human and Solar by Alice A. Bailey, The Masters and the Path by C. W. Leadbeater
Recommended Reading : Light on the Path by Mabel Collins
Open to all!
At this tim, translations available in Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese for the Live Sessions only.
Recordings will be available after the live session.
To join, registration is required - if you have any questions please reach out to paige@masterhectorramos.com
To view the charts fully, for study purposes, please drag to your desktop or add to your camera roll if you are on your phone.
You will find the recorded letures here - Available to you for an indefinite period of time.. Enjoy